AI:DEA Factory

Use artificial intelligence intelligently. We show you how.


Custom AI solutions for real world impact.

Welcome to the era of Artificial Intelligence, where algorithms and machine learning models help automate workflows, solve complex tasks and uncover hidden opportunities. AI is so much more than just a buzzword: It's a dynamic force capable of elevating your business performance.

That's where the MYTY AI:DEA Factory comes in.

Our mission is to empower your company with intelligent AI strategies, creative solutions, and tailored training. We guide you from concept to optimization, delivering a competitive edge, fostering innovation, and paving the path to future growth. We are interdisciplinary experts from all MYTY digital agencies.


Tell us about your AI needs!

More about our approach


Creative AI

For us, it's not just about implementing the latest AI technologies, it's also about how we can use them in creative and innovative ways to create real value for businesses and employees and inspiring them to create something new. Whether it's demystifying new technologies, empowering teams, or reimagining processes: We guide you to leverage AI as a canvas for solutions that go beyond the ordinary. The combination of technology and creativity allows us to deliver solutions that help your business operate more efficiently, reduce costs and drive innovation.



We believe that technology is most effective when it is designed to solve real problems while providing room for innovation and evolution. We're not about one-size-fits-all solutions, but about carefully building and implementing use cases that fit a company's specific needs. With a clear focus on the development, design and implementation of customized use cases, we help your company to recognize and make the most of the potential of AI applications. We ensure that the technologies we create are in line with your goals and offer real added value.



In collaboration with all stakeholders, we identify and analyze the requirements and challenges facing your company. We don't just use technology, we design solutions that really benefit your employees. Our experience working with a variety of industries allows us to design solutions that not only look good on paper, but work in practice. By combining technical expertise with an understanding of the dynamics of project requirements and work environments, we are able to implement AI in a way that goes beyond mere automation or content generation.


Our kickstarter packages

Enabling with our AI workshops

AI what? Often read, but rarely tried? With our AI workshops, we teach your teams how to try out, evaluate and use the relevant tools.

We tailor the content so that your employees feel they are being picked up on in their everyday work and gain inspiration for how they can use proven and new technologies in a goal-oriented way.

  • All you need to know about AI
  • Hands-On AI Tool Experience
  • Tailored Content
  • Inspiration for Goal-Oriented AI Use


Transforming ideas into use cases

Do you have ideas but aren't sure how to turn them into reality using the latest tools? We translate your vision into practicable use cases, taking into account the technical and organizational possibilities as well as your team setup.
Our approach: Develop pragmatic ideas with which you can quickly gain initial experience and iteratively approach your goals.

  • Leverage Your Ideas
  • Customized Use Cases
  • Hands-on experience
  • Iterative Progress


Let’s get started - with a proof of concept

The hype around ChatGPT has once again impressively proven one thing: Technical development continues to advance rapidly and long development cycles can render innovations obsolete before they're tested.
Therefore, we work with a PoC approach, which allows us to test ideas and develop them further based on initial experience.

  • Enhanced security for your innovations
  • Iterative development & testing
  • Future-proofed decision making



Excited to embark on the future of AI together?

Whether it's a single workshop or strategic consultation: Our skilled AI experts are eager to start with you on a new digital era with you.

Do you have any questions or specific requests?

We're here to assist!


Your contact on the subject of AI

Bahar Jawadi
